5 Heroic Dogs Prove that A Dog Is A Man’s Best Friend!

5 Heroic Dogs Prove that A Dog Is A Man's Best Friend! |

Hero no. five: Lilly the Pit bull!

5 Heroic Dogs Prove that A Dog Is A Man's Best Friend! |
Credits:  Lilly the Hero Pit Bull

We all know how Pit Bulls have an unfairly bad rep. However, perhaps people are going to change their minds once they see how Lily, who is a Pit Bull, is a hero thanks to her loyalty and bravery!

When Lilly’s owner, Christine Spain, was unconscious on the tracks of a train, the Pit Bull was quick to react.

She saw that a train was approaching and going to hurt her human parent, so she shielded Christine’s body with her own body, taking the hit herself.

This saved Christine but resulted in Lilly suffering from a lot of extreme injuries. Despite her injuries, she remained next to Christine, protecting her until the medical help arrives.


Let us know in the comments down below what makes your four-legged best friend a hero!

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