The Citronella Dog Bark Collar is a safe and effective way of training your dog to stop barking without resorting to less ethical means of dog training!
With our citronella dog spray collar, you will be able to train your dog to stop barking in a safe and effective way. These dog spray collars work remotely and can be used to stop most dogs from barking efficiently.
They are a more humane and ethical choice when compared to the more commonly used shock collars. Unlike shock collars, the citronella dog bark collar has no long-term negative effect on four-legged best friend.
Benefits of the Citronella Dog Spray Collar
- The citronella dog bark collar is a safe collar:
Unlike the barbaric Electric Shock Collars, our anti bark spray collar s are safe for your dog.
The collars will not harm them, make them agitated, fearful, or even aggressive in any way, shape, or form.
2) The citronella dog bark collar is lightweight:
The weight of the citronella dog spray collar is only one hundred and eighteen grams (118gm). This means that the anti bark spray collar is very lightweight and isn’t going to stress your dog’s neck.
Even if you leave your dog wearing the citronella dog bark collar for a couple of hours to train them, it is still not going to stress or hurt your pooch’s neck.
3) The citronella dog bark collar is going to Save you Money, and strengthen your bond with your pooch:
Dog trainers are very expensive, and sometimes their training schedules tend to be super inconvenient. But don’t worry because the citronella dog bark collar allows you to train your dog yourself.
This means that you’re not only going to save a lot of Money, but you’ll also get to spend more time with your four-legged best friend and this makes your bond with your pooch much stronger.
4) Use the citronella dog bark collar anytime:
The dog barking collars citronella are water-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about any safety hazards in case it starts raining while your training your four-legged best friend outdoors.
5) The citronella dog bark collar has a Low-Power Warning indicator:
The LED indicator that is built in the citronella dog bark collar will warn you when the dog spray collar’s power is running low so you can recharge it.
6) You can adjust the amount of spray the citronella dog bark collar releases:
This feature of the anti bark spray collar is incredibly important because it allows you to adjust the amount of spray that should be released when your dog barks to meet your exact needs.
This very useful because the amount of citronella spray needed changes as your dog gets ahead in their training process.
7) The citronella dog bark collar is Suitable for Most Dogs:
These dog barking collars citronella can be used for any dog that’s older than six months and weighs somewhere between twenty to sixty pounds (20-60 lb) or ten to thirty kilograms (10 to 30 KG).
8) The citronella dog bark collar has a comfortable fit:
The anti bark spray collar has an adjustable strap that can be adjusted to fit to your dog perfectly and comfortably. This way, they won’t get irritated while training because the dog spray collar is not going to be too tight or too loose.
The maximum diameter the straps could extend to is approximately seven inches (7″)
The minimum diameter the straps could be adjusted to is about two and a half inches (2.5″)
Frequently asked questions about NO BARK COLLAR™, the Citronella Dog Bark Collar:
Does the Citronella Dog Bark Collar need batteries? If yes, are the batteries included in the package?
No, you’re not going to need any batteries because the anti bark spray collar is rechargeable via USB. If you are wondering if a USB comes with the Citronella dog bark collar, the answer is yes.
Will the Citronella dog bark collar work on my eight pounds (8 lb ) Maltipoo?
The dog spray collar should work on any dog with no problem whatsoever.
However, these dog barking collars citronella can be used for any dog that’s older than six months and weighs somewhere between twenty to sixty pounds (20-60 lb) or ten to thirty kilograms (10 to 30 KG).
Since your dog is eight pounds, this makes them weigh less than the recommended weight. Thus, this anti-bark spray collar won’t be suitable for your eight pounds Maltipoo.
How do I know when the Citronella dog bark collar needs to get recharged?
The LED light built in the citronella dog bark collar will warn you when the dog spray collar’s power is running low so you can recharge it.
If you see a flashing red light on the citronella dog bark collar, then it means that you are about to run out of battery and need to recharge it as soon as possible.
If the LED light is green, this means that the Citronella dog bark collar is well charged and will last you for a while.
How long does the spray can of citronella last on average?
This is a tough question to answer because there isn’t any definitive answer for that. It really depends on your usage.
If you use the citronella dog bark collar often and your dog barks a lot, then you might go through the citronella spray bottle faster than other users.
It took me quite a while to get through my first can, but I only used it two or three times a week.
If you are going to use it more, which is something I don’t recommend, then you should probably get a few extra spare cans ahead of time.
In general, each time you completely refill the collar, you are adding twenty-five to thirty sprays into the citronella dog bark collar.
What is included in the citronella dog bark collar package?
You are going to get the following:
- One Mist Spray Anti-Bark Training Collar
- One Citronella spray can
- One User Manual (Written in English)
- One USB Cable ( No batteries required; No batteries are included)